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  • May 18th - Our Royal Wedding

    Thu 24 May 2018 J Menzies


    The Royal Wedding of HRH Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

    Saturday 19th May 2018.

    Willow class spent all last week finding out about the people involved and what it takes to plan a ‘Royal Wedding.’ The children wrote invitations, designed and created commemorative plates, wrote a letter to the Queen, to congratulate her on her grandson's wedding and even re-enacted the wedding (with the whole class having a part to play) what fun! The children talked about champagne and Miss Knowles assured them that there would fizz to celebrate with (age appropriate of course!)

    Have a look at the wonderful photographs below - you can see how much fun the whole class had.

    They particularly enjoyed making a toast to the married couple.


    A huge 'thank you' must also go to Miss Knowles for organising the celebration and baking the amazing rainbow cake, that everyone enjoyed so much.

    We wish the happy couple love and happiness in their lives ahead, from us all at Matlock Bath Holy Trinity School.


  • Our Viking Adventure.

    Wed 02 May 2018 J. Menzies

    Our Viking Adventure.


    On Wednesday 26th April Partake Theatre Company visited Ash and Oak classes.

    The day was taken up with exploring the life of Vikings and the choices they had throughout their lives.

    We learned all about the clothes they wore and the weapons they used as part of their everyday life. We learned how to spin and weave sheep's wool, make metal bracelets, grind wheat and make coil pots. It was great to try all of these daily tasks that the Vikings would have done. It gave us a window in to their lives.

    A fascinating challenge that we were given was to site a Viking settlement. We had to work as a democracy (just as the Vikings would have done) to site our homes, animals, hunting grounds and placement of our longboats, to avoid them being damaged or stolen by raiding parties. Mr Adby really challenged our thinking and tried to catch us out by using red herrings!

    In the afternoon we re-enacted a Viking saga. We all dressed up and the hall became atmospheric, with the lights dimmed. As the saga unfolded there was a death and the dead  warrior was placed in the longboat, under a wolf skin, and set alight. The flames flickered in our darkened hall and everyone gasped in astonishment.

    The whole day was an exciting way of learning, bringing the past to life. The two Mr Adby's did a fantastic job dramatizing the Viking world.


    We would recommend them to other schools if they are interested in the past.
