Become fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics
Are able to reason mathematically
Can solve problems by applying their Mathematics
We intend for our children to develop a fluency and understanding of Mathematics, which enables them to engage, reason with and understand its purpose and relevance to everyday life. Through the development of knowledge, reasoning and fluency, children will be able to problem solve and become competent mathematicians with a versatile range of mathematical skills and knowledge.
Children explore Maths through a wide range of topics and hands-on opportunities. This exploration is implemented with a range of pedagogical approaches, resources, media, visits, workshops and virtual experiences that enhance the development of knowledge and skills. Our curriculum is planned as such that it provides our children with regular opportunities to revise and revisit their Mathematical learning. Children begin their journey, in the Infants, by embedding the fundamental understanding of number and developing mathematical mind to build a positive and resilient attitude to lifelong learning. They present their knowledge in a variety of ways, and through a variety of other curriculum areas, both teacher and child-led.
At MBHT we use White Rose Maths as the basic skeleton of our teaching. This is not used in isolation; Archimedes NE Maths Hub mixed-aged planning is used to support the variety of age and ability within each class. Archimedes Maths planning brings together our mix of year groups to enable a more whole-class approach, as far as is possible within the content of teaching required.
Children make full use of the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach (CPA) in their development within Maths. All children are able to access learning at a level appropriate to them and their stage of understanding. The use of manipulatives forms a basis for all teaching to enable all children to ‘see’ Maths, which, in turn, will enable them to understand it. Children have lessons specifically on arithmetic to build on and develop their skills in their mathematical facts and fluency, which will reduce the cognitive load on their working memory.
Mathematical vocabulary is an essential part of Maths teaching at MBHT. Relevant and the current vocabulary focus is displayed in the classroom, along with sentence stems, to support children’s understanding, verbal reasoning and problem solving skills. Working walls show the Maths in action. Teachers model methods and explain as they model for children to then practise themselves.
Children of MBHT leave school as mathematicians who are capable of identifying their own best ways of learning. They are competent individuals with a knowledge and curiosity of the how Maths is relevant in the world around them that equips them with relevant life skills. Children are resilient learners who persevere through a range of problems to find the solution. This is then a platform for children to explore their future with a fundamental understanding of the power of mathematics and the knowledge to utilise this to their advantage.
Children will be inspired through exploration of potential careers how maths can be used to become things they may never have thought of before! Many interesting and exciting jobs require maths skills such as:
1. Animator
When watching balloons whisk a house away in Pixar's movie Up, most of us weren't thinking about math. But in animation, math and art go together like peanut butter and marshmallow fluff. Trigonometry helps rotate and move characters, while algebra creates the special effects to make images shine. Even artists have to pay attention in math class!
2. Game Designer
Aspiring video game programmers should also study trigonometry, physics, and calculus. Chances are, board game designers will need to know probability, even if they are not designing maths games.
3. Robotics Engineer
Robotics engineers design, test, and maintain robots! Before you quit your day job and run off to design a house-cleaning robot, hit the maths books. Most Robotics Engineers have a master's or doctorate.
4. Roller Coaster Designer
As you ride a roller coaster through loops, dives, and dips, wondering if you're going to lose your lunch, rather than calculating speed, remember there are many different curves and loops and roller coaster engineers need to understand the mathematical properties of these curves
5. Jet Fighter Pilot
The thrilling life of a jet fighter pilot seems worlds away from the math classroom. Movies like "Top Gun," show pilots streaking through the sky not calculating how much fuel they have left or figuring out the direction and speed of the wind. But pilots have to complete major maths problems when they're zipping through the air at 700 mph, math skills are lifesaving!
6. Sports Announcer
What is his batting average? How many wickets? When those sports personalities give the play-by-play, they have to pay attention to the numbers: percentages, player stats and time too.
7. Professional Photographer
We think of photographers as artists, not mathematicians, but professional photographers need maths skills. They have to calculate depth of field, determine the correct film speed, shutter speed, aperture, and exposure -- and more. Who knew so much math went into one photograph?
At Matlock Bath Holy Trinity CofE Primary School, we promote pupils’ SMSC development through mathematics in the following ways:
We lay the foundations of mathematical use and understanding, and expect our pupils to use their skills in many ways: in future education and employment, in science and technology, medicine, the economy, the environment and development, and in public decision-making.
British Values
Democracy: We take into account the views of others and learn about democracy through voting when collecting data to analyse.
The rule of law: Children follow class rules safely during tasks and activities to benefit everyone, as well as understanding the consequences if rules are ignored.
Individual liberty: We work within boundaries to make a safe and personal choice from a given selection during practical activities.
Mutual respect: Children behave appropriately, allowing everyone involved the opportunity to work to the best of their ability. They take turns, sharing equipment, reviewing each other’s work respectfully and working collaboratively on projects whilst helping others.
Welcoming different faiths: Pupils use Maths to learn about different faiths and cultures around the world. For example, looking at patterns and shapes within Islam and Hindu religions.
Protected Characteristics
At Matlock Bath Holy Trinity C of E Primary School, we want to give our children an open, respectful and realistic mindset towards the wonderful world we live in and how this relates to maths. We strive to expose them to a range of significant mathematicians from all different backgrounds related to the protected characteristics, and have planned for this in our varied curriculum.
‘Mathematics knows no races or geographic boundaries; for mathematics, the cultural world is one country.’ David Hilbert (German Mathematician 1862 – 1943)
The above quote mirrors the school’s pledge to ensure all are valued through engagement in the universal language and global exploration of maths.