successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve
confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.
We intend for our children to be healthy and balanced in body and mind. They will develop knowledge of what constitutes good health and mental health through an understanding of good and bad life choices. We intend for children to learn the importance of being physically active and find areas they enjoy through a wide range of opportunities across the curriculum. Our children will learn the importance of positive and trusted relationships from the start of their school life. They will understand what is right and wrong and the benefits and consequences to their choices. Our children are encouraged and supported to celebrate similarities and differences in an open, honest and non-judgemental way. Through the development and understanding of body image, we aim to support our children to become confident and happy individuals. Children are supported in their developing knowledge of mental health and relationships. Children learn the importance of keeping safe online and offline. We intend that our children will develop an empathetic and sympathetic outlook on life.
Children explore RSHE through a variety of opportunities throughout the school day. This exploration is implemented with a range of sources, technologies, visits and workshops that enhance the development of knowledge. Our curriculum is planned as such that it provides our children with regular opportunities to revise and revisit their learning.
RSHE is taught in explicit lessons and through the Science and P.E curriculum where appropriate. These lessons follow our personalised, contextual scheme of learning that is relevant to the children’s needs; further lessons and foci may be included based on the needs of individuals and classes. Lessons are both theoretical and practical, with a range of individual and team activities taught in a non-judgemental environment. All individuals within the class contribute to the class ethos and have ownership of the learning environment. They present their knowledge and skill in a variety of ways, both teacher and child-led.
The PSHE Association’s materials have been consulted, alongside regular meetings with the Flying High Teaching Schools Alliance to ensure that the curriculum and policies are relevant and current. Parental and pupil consultation takes place to collate up to date views from the community.
Staff receive appropriate Continuing Professional Development to support them in responding to the needs of the individual children and support children with any questions or concerns they may have. Further details can be found in the RSHE action plan.
Children of MBHT leave school with a positive self-image and understanding of their own and other people’s mental well-being. They are aware of how to seek help and support where needed. They make informed choices that can impact themselves and their future within their own health and relationships. They have a clear understanding of what a healthy relationship is, both online and offline. This is then a platform for children to continue to develop and thrive in their personal lives.