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Collective worship

Collective Worship

Collective Worship is an important part of our school life; it is at the heart of our school!  We come together each day in many different formats, to think, listen, speak, reflect, sing, laugh, celebrate and wonder at our world. 


We enjoy sharing this time with lots of different people too; Sheila leads our Worship in Church where we visit several times each term, our teachers take their turn, we also enjoy joining in with 'Open the Book' group and helping to tell stories whilst wearing costumes and using props when Hannah from 'MAST' comes in.


Our Worship Group are very active in and around our Worship times and help to lead various parts as well as planning the ideas and content to fit their chosen themes for each half term.


The themes we focus on are based around the Christian Values which we can all relate to in our lives, whether we have a faith or not.  We want our children to have these values for life and to reflect on them in any given situation. 

Our Values!

Termly Values - Autumn Term 1 (Thankfulness)


As a Church of England School, MBHT has a distinctly Christian ethos, which underpins everything that we do here. This ethos includes a culture of understanding and tolerance and children of all religions and faiths thrive in our setting.


The foundations of our Christian ethos are the termly values, which are shared and promoted across the school: generosity, compassion, courage, forgiveness, friendship, respect, thankfulness, trust, perseverance, justice, service and truthfulness.  While promoted throughout the school week, the children are specifically taught about these values during their daily collective worship. These sessions include service taken by members of the church, school worship group, singing assemblies and class worship. These sessions are based on a biblical story, involve chances for children to reflect on how they can embody the value, make a difference and include time for children to pray at the end. These values have a prominent place physically in the school with a hall display, displays in classrooms, prayer spaces, and a reflection area. These displays are built on and developed as children add their work, prayers and reflections from their class worship.

Values for Collective Worship 2024-2025

Values for Collective Worship 2023-2024

School Prayer
