
Imagine, Believe, Achieve

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We aim to create opportunities that engage children and help them to become active participants in their own education. It is important to us that the children leave us as well developed, rounded citizens who are well disciplined, interested in the wider world and have good basic skills to support them into the next stage of their lives and beyond. This includes an understanding and appreciation of fundamental British values such as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.


Our children achieve the aims by living the curriculum, through both our academic and extended opportunities. The academic curriculum is based on the ten 'Big Ideas' of Humankind, Nature, Processes, Place and Space, Creativity, Comparison, Investigation, Significance, Materials and Change.


We place a strong emphasis on substantive knowledge and understanding across the breadth of the curriculum to ensure our children have the cultural understanding necessary to engage actively within society.


We also like to make good use of proximity to the countryside to encourage children to explore the outdoors. At Matlock Bath Holy Trinity we run Forest School Sessions that all children are involved in. The aim is for all pupils to have regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland and other natural environments with trees.


We encourage family members with skills and interests in particular curriculum areas to join us in the classroom to share their expertise. 
