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The 2014 National Curriculum for Art aims to ensure that all children: 

produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences 

become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques 

evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design 

know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms



We intend to provide our children with the opportunities to develop their hidden talents and broaden their minds, enabling them to appreciate other artistic perspectives. This, in turn, will open up a wider world of opportunities. Through the development of knowledge around sources, cause & consequence and their own questioning and interpretations of a range of artists styles and periods, children will be creative and reflective individuals with a mutual respect for others’ efforts.




Children explore Art through a wide range of topics and hands-on opportunities.  This exploration is implemented with a range of sources, media, visits, workshops and virtual experiences that enhance the development of knowledge.  Our curriculum is planned as such that it provides our children with regular opportunities to revise and revisit their learning. Lessons contain practical application with a range of media across all areas of art and design. Children actively partake in the reflective learning process, through planning, creating and evaluating a variety of projects. They present their knowledge in a variety of ways, both teacher and child-led. Children engage with peer to peer constructive feedback to learn to be respectful and appreciative of other artistic perspectives.



Children of MBHT leave school beginning to understand their own individuality and perspective through creative platforms.  They are confident to use a range of practical skills and know how to utilise equipment safely and effectively.  They will develop a broad range of subject knowledge that enables them to engage, inspire and challenge themselves and others within the creativity of art. This is then a platform for children to explore their future with a well-informed knowledgeable understanding of opportunities that require an experimental and creative mind.  



There are so many amazing careers in art and design that are available. The skills needed for these are all about creating things, planning, evaluating, designing, and many more skills that we promote. Careers in art and design can span many different specialist areas.

The teaching and learning of art and design supports careers, such as:

  • Painter
  • Photographer
  • Animator
  • Architect
  • Graphic designers
  • Fashion designer
  • Web Designer
  • Illustrator
  • Prop Designer


Artist Coverage

At Matlock Bath Holy Trinity C of E Primary School, we follow the Cornerstones scheme of work, however we adapt this to meet the local needs of our children and enrichment opportunities. We work on a three cycle in Reception and Key Stage 1, and a four year cycle for Key Stage 2. The complete lists of artists that we will cover can be found in our school’s medium term plans, as these are often related to our topics. We will however cover a wide variety of men and women from different cultures, inspirational artists who are living with different disabilities, alongside covering artists that are both alive and dead.



Art is an extremely sociable subject where discussions on preferences and evaluations of art are promoted and key. Working in groups allows children to learn from each other and to share ideas and feelings. Art helps them to develop a respect for the abilities of other children and encourages collaboration.


In relation to spiritual development, Art introduces children to the work of great Artists and experiencing wonder and awe at the achievements of these great works of art. They also experience great admiration and respect for their peers’ work, especially in relation to looking at their progression over time with their sketchbooks that follow them throughout their school life.


With moral development, art encourages mutual respect, peer evaluation and the consideration for others’ work, including that of famous artists. Pupils are encouraged to show compassion when assessing the work of others through understanding how their comments can build up or destroy another’s self- belief. 


Art supports our children’s cultural development work as they study various cultures and civilizations from around the world. This leads to a greater understanding of different ways of life and a respect for cultures that are very different from our own; how they can enrich our own lives. It is fantastic as we provide opportunities to compare and contrast our own and other cultures, leading to pupils incorporating designs, patterns and motifs in their own work developed by a deeper understanding of the culture.


British Values

Open discussions about preferences in art, and evaluating others' work creates an environment that is accepting of different beliefs, opinions and abilities of others. Children learn about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and show tolerance of these. All of our artistic experiences teach them that everyone is important, and that everyone will have different life experiences and skills that we can celebrate and respect. Art requires a lot of teamwork, where children will take a democratic approach to working collaboratively, including making compromises and sharing decisions.


Protected Characteristics

At Matlock Bath Holy Trinity C of E Primary School, we want to give our children an open, respectful and realistic mindset towards the wonderful world we live in and how this relates to art. We strive to expose them to a range of significant artists from all different backgrounds related to the protected characteristics, and have planned for this in our varied curriculum.  


Useful links and websites including things you can do with your child

Things you can do with your child in the local area related to art and design include:

Useful website links:
