Read easily, fluently and with a good understanding
Acquire a wide vocabulary
Write clearly, accurately and coherently
Use discussion in order to learn
We intend for our children to develop as fluent, coherent and competent readers, writers and speakers, which enables them to develop an appreciation for the English language. Through the development of knowledge, acquisition of vocabulary and being exposed to a range of material, children will be able to communicate effectively spiritually, emotionally, culturally, intellectually and socially in everyday life. We intend for our children to appreciate all that English offers to provide opportunities to develop their personal strengths and interests.
Children explore English through a wide range of topics and hands-on opportunities. This exploration is implemented with a range of pedagogical approaches, resources, media, visits, workshops and virtual experiences that enhance the development of knowledge and skills. Our curriculum is planned as such that it provides our children with regular opportunities to revise and revisit the range of skills within English. Children begin their journey by embedding the fundamental understanding of speaking and listening and phonics which develops them into coherent writers and competent readers. They present their knowledge in a variety of ways, and through a variety of other curriculum areas, both teacher and child-led. Children write both supported and independently to develop a positive and resilient attitude to lifelong learning.
Children of MBHT leave school as effective communicators, who are capable of thinking and speaking for themselves. They are competent individuals with a knowledge and curiosity of the English language and how this is relevant in the world around them. They are equipped with relevant life skills to be fluent, coherent and competent readers, writers and speakers. Children are resilient learners with an enthusiasm to share their ideas and showcase their talents. This is then a platform for children to explore their future with a fundamental understanding of the power of English and the knowledge to utilise this to their advantage. Children will leave with a voice to be heard and the confidence to use it.
The skills you gain across the English curriculum can apply to a wide range of careers. The teaching and learning of English supports careers in:
English authors, poets, playwrights
Each term the children will be exposed to a wealth of high quality written material including picture books, novels, poems and nonfiction. Through hearing books read aloud daily and from studying books in English the children will be familiar with a range of authors, poets, writers and playwrights. These will include men and women from different cultures and backgrounds including those who are dead and still living.
The Cultural Child - English supports the cultural development of a child by exposing them to a wide range of written and spoken language from a range of cultures.
The Social Child - English supports social development by helping children to understand how written and spoken language has changed over time and also social attitudes to language.
The Moral Child - English supports moral development by encouraging children to look, discuss and evaluate a range of social and moral issues found in genres.
The Spiritual Child - English supports spiritual development by engaging children with poetry, fiction and drama. Exploring feelings and values found in a wide range of genres.
British Values
English at all levels provides opportunities for discussions which focus on both democracy and the rule of law. Texts are chosen which allow students to explore the issue of rule of law and equally as well as issues around democracy. Students are introduced to a range of texts and types of writing. Across Key Stage 2 students are involved in debates and letter writing for persuasion.
Protected Characteristics
At Matlock Bath Holy Trinity C of E Primary School, we want to give our children an open, respectful and realistic mindset. We strive to expose them to a range of significant writers from all different backgrounds related to the protected characteristics, and have planned for this in our varied curriculum. We also will discuss issues relating to the characteristics when they arise in the books we have chosen for our children to study in class.