Early Help Offer
What is Early Help?
Early Help is the process and means by which the needs of children and their families for support are identified and addressed as soon as they emerge, so that children’s development is maintained and harm prevented. Early help can be targeted and sometimes intensive work with the wider family. This can occur at different points in the child’s life, including pre-birth, and may be repeated for different reasons, as the child develops.
The consequences of not addressing needs in this way are that the issues may become more entrenched, complex and acute and can become overlaid by additional needs and problems, not just for the individual child, but for the wider family. Thus requiring greater help and support from more agencies as time progresses and creating more severe and intractable problems. Early Help can avoid these escalations and support/enable the child and the family to resolve their own issues and build resilience for the future.
The Family Schools Worker (FSW), who is based at Highfields School, provides emotional and practical help and advice to families who are experiencing long- or short-term difficulties.
The kind of challenges facing the families include:
Families are referred to the FSW by the school. Early Help also work alongside social services to create the right support for the family. Early Help consists of co-ordinated support from universal and targeted services, such as Health services, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), Early Help Teams in Derbyshire, Voluntary and community sector organisations such as Action for Children.
For example, families may need help to improve their home management, parenting skills and mental health, therefore the FSW considers teaching and encouraging them to:
MBHT takes responsibility for providing our pupils and their families with Level 2 Emerging Needs/ Early Help provision. This area of support and intervention forms part of our already robust pastoral care system and safeguarding procedures. The welfare of our children is our absolute priority, and we strive to provide a bespoke package of support when they face difficulties which may hamper their academic achievement and personal development.
MBHT has put in place arrangements to ensure that all children are entitled to be considered for, assessed and supported via the Early Help provision. We ensure provision of targeted Early Help services to address the assessed needs of a child and the family which focuses on activity to significantly improve the outcomes for the child. This involves the use of evidence based interventions as set out by the Early Help Intervention Foundation (https://www.eif.org.uk/). The early help support is managed by the Headteacher at MBHT and the Early Help Team at Highfields School.
We will continue to use the statutory guidance and the Threshold Guidance issued by the Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Boards in all of our work towards meeting the responsibilities outlined above.
What is an Early Help Assessment (EHA)?
An EHA is an initial assessment and planning tool that facilitates and coordinates multi-agency support. It assesses the situation of the child or young person and their family and helps to identify the needs of both the children and the adults in the family.
It enables families and agencies to efficiently identify the strengths and emerging needs of children and young people at risk of poor outcomes; it reduces duplication of assessment and improves involvement between agencies.
As part of the detailed Early Help Assessment we will look at the following areas for each unborn baby/child and their family:
Please see below the contacts for Early Help in MBHT:
Mr Layhe-Humphreys – Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead Officer – 01629 582862
Mrs Bors – Infant Class Teacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Officer – 01629 582862
Miss Parkin – Junior Class Teacher, SENDCo and Designated Safeguarding Lead Officer – 01629 582862
For further information: