engage in systematic enquiry into significant human questions which religion and world views address, so that they can develop the understanding and skills needed to appreciate and appraise varied responses to these questions, as well as develop responses of their own
We intend to ensure that all children know about and understand a range of religions and worldviews. We want them to express their ideas and insights about the nature, significance and impact of religions. We want children to gain and deploy the skills needed to engage seriously with religions and worldviews. We intend for children to have the confidence to ask questions about their world and the people in it. They will develop an understanding and respect for others and how their religion, beliefs and ideas influence the individuals they are and their place within their community and the wider world. Children will explore what it means to live harmoniously within a community for the well-being of all and where diversity is celebrated. We intend that children will understand that RE makes a unique contribution to their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and supports wider community cohesion. Children will learn to live their lives in all their fullness.
Children explore 'life’s big questions' in order to find out what people believe and what difference this makes to the way they live. They look at a wide variety of religions and worldviews and have the opportunity to share and reflect on their own ideas, beliefs and ways of living.
The planning, delivery and application of RE are all done with a clear focus on the importance and value of learning and living within the diverse community of Derbyshire. It will not only reflect our children’s own personal experience but will also broaden their view to consider different attitudes, opinions, ideas and beliefs. The key attitudes of tolerance, respect and understanding are consequently developed and encouraged in both the content of the lessons and the way in which they are taught.
‘Understanding Christianity’ is used alongside and woven within, the Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus to enhance our RE curriculum.
RE is taught in units, which span over a half term. Lessons are taught weekly in our mixed key stage classes, where children address their key questions with their peers, sharing and celebrating ideas and thinking theologically. Children are provided with the skills they need to understand the faith of others as well as their own beliefs and opinions and the knowledge to live in our diverse with mutual respect.
Children present their work in a variety of ways, both teacher-led and child-led, with opportunities for personal exploration and to show their knowledge through presentation and display.
Children of MBHT leave school with the ability to responsibly question their place in their world. They have respect for others and their beliefs, rooted in our Christian Values. They have a firm foundation of spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding, which will support their awareness of others. Children are provided with the skills and knowledge needed to start to understand religion and this is then a platform for children to continue to develop and thrive in their personal lives.
For those children who are interested in studying religion, a career in Theology is the perfect choice. Having the opportunity to learn more about one’s faith is often seen as an opportunity that’s too good to pass up. However, when most people think of a theology career they automatically assume the only available job is that of minister. Yet, the fact is a theology degree can lead to many careers other than the ministry, with each offering excellent salaries and the chance to use one’s training in various settings. As more people than ever before look at religion and spirituality as a major part of their lives, theology careers have allowed many people with religious training to enter a number of mainstream careers.
The teaching and learning of Religious Education supports careers, such as:
Religious Education Teacher
Chaplain in the: Navy, Army, RAF, Prison, Hospital
College Faculty
Executive Director
Social Worker
Volunteer Recruiter
Fund - Raising Specialist
Bible Translator
Religious Figures Coverage
Throughout our RE curriculum we will learn about various religious figures from Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Humanism. These will include a diverse range of people including:
Mother Teresa
Jesus Christ
Martin Luther King
Mahatma Gandhi
British Values
The Department for Education has reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”
We recognise the importance of teaching our pupils mutual respect and tolerance for those of different or of no faith, and the shared values of Christianity and other major world faiths. Our Religious Education Programme is based on the Understanding Christianity and Derbyshire and Derby City agreed syllabus.
British values are taught in all curriculum areas and are planned for in our school planning format. We also focus on a value each term and work in houses and classes to explore the value.
British Values are reinforced on a daily basis through our ‘ hidden curriculum’. This is where the school’s ethos influences more abstract areas of personal development such as forming and maintaining relationships, self-esteem and patterns of behaviour.
Protected Characteristics
Religion and belief are protected characteristics under the Equality Act. They cover people with a range of faiths and beliefs including a respect for their own and other cultures. We have themed weeks and days in school where different cultures are celebrated. We also discuss in RE and PSHE how the children can contribute positively to school and home life and to the lives of those living and working in the locality and further afield. We support the local food bank throughout the year, as well as other charities.
During RE lessons we remind everyone that their religion is to be respected and appreciated.
An acceptance that other people having different faiths or beliefs to oneself (or having none) should be accepted and tolerated, and should not be the cause of prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour. This is modelled and taught within RE lessons.
During their time at MBHT, children cover all the major world religions. These are taught with the understanding that we celebrate and respect all religions and their principles. Different aspects of Christianity are taught each year at MBHT.
Useful links and websites (including local visits)
Our curriculum is based upon the Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus and supported with materials from Understanding Christianity. Across the classes, our long term plan ensures that our children are learning about core Christian concepts alongside other world faiths.