
Imagine, Believe, Achieve

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Juniors (22-23)

Welcome to the Junior Class!

This year we have a class of 29, made up of Oak Class (lower key stage 2) and Ash Class (upper key stage 2). We have welcomed our year three into the fold and they have settled in well. Some of our children were very pleased to meet with their old friends again! Every day Miss Parkin and Mr Ray have the pleasure of teaching a rich and varied curriculum. We have a busy half term planned, so hopefully we will be able to share with you some a variety of things that we have been up to...

Spring 2

This half term, our topic is Travelling the Silk Road, a topic that will take us to the far east.

In History, we will be looking at Ancient China, in particular the Shang Dynasty, where will explore what kind of rulers they were and if we think that they governed China responsibly.

During our topic, in Science, we will investigating rocks and how they are formed. We will be looking at the different types of rocks and their properties so we can better sort them, as well as looking at how fossils are formed.

Design and Technology will have us designing our own bamboo artwork using needle, threads and buttons. We look forward to all the amazing things we will learn this half term.


Spring 1- Electric Avenue


This term in the Juniors, we will be looking at all things electricity. We will be asking ourselves:

  • What is electricity?
  • How is it made?
  • Is there anyway to make our energy production greener?
  • What powers our homes?

and last, but not least, What do circuits look like in things that we use? This electrifying topic is sure to shock us, especially in our artwork this term, where we will be looking at the works of Andy Warhol, whose art pieces shocked people of his generation with the use of bright colours and popular imagery. 

E a'o ana i ka Ukulele- Learning the Ukulele


This half term, we have gotten stuck into learning how to play the Ukulele. So far we have learnt how to play the chords C, Am, F, miniF and C7!! Nick (our music teacher) has been showing us how to properly place our fingers on the frets so we are making some great sounds when we strum. In the coming weeks, the ukuleles will be making their way home so that the children can show you all the wonderful things they have learnt. 

Cromford Mills- Crime and Punishment


On Monday 10th October, the Junior Class had the opportunity to venture down to Cromford Mills to learn all about what working in the mills would have been like. As a focus, they learnt about what crimes people committed while working there ( as well as the crimes of those who owned the mills) and what punishments were given. Through role play and looking at historical sources, they were able to expand their knowledge. 

Cromford Crime and Punishment Trip- October 2022

Spring 1 Timtetable

Autumn Class Timetable

Autumn 1 Newsletter
