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The Bishop’s Badge Church School Awards 2024

On Tuesday 18th June, we had a special service at Holy Trinity Church where Bishop Malcolm presented our Year 5 and Year 6 children with The Bishop's Badge and certificates and also led our collective worship.  The Badges were presented for:


Y5/6 pupils showed generosity of time, energy, care and effort, love for others through their contributions to the ‘bags of kindness’ given to vulnerable adults showing children consider others.  This project allowed the children to serve in love and showed generous faith. They were generous with their talents and used these and their strengths to brighten the lives of others, taking time for others and committing to a task. They volunteered willingly and became involved with writing persuasive letters to local businesses to ask for donations of small gifts. The children put others first and noticed a need. They worked for a number of weeks with a cheerful and generous heart, finding enjoyment in helping others. Love your neighbour as yourself’ was reflected in this project. Many of the children wanted to make sure that they gave a gift of value to another, and they considered what they themselves might like to receive. The children presented the bags to a group of elderly who meet weekly, and this visit was enjoyed by both the children as well as the elderly, showing that they were loved and thought about by the younger generation.
